Bella Feme AI (Artificial Intelligence) Health Care

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In the age of technology, artificial intelligence will take over the world. Once cause a futuristic threat to humankind. AI is changing and saving lives not intended to replace clinicians or clinical judgments serve the purpose to enhance and complement the very human interaction and the patient in health care. AI changing the game with its application and decision support image analysis and patient triage with its ability to reduce with ability to reduce variation and duplicate testing decision support system quickly decipher large amounts of data within the electronic medical records. AI technology is also taking the uncertainty out of viewing patient scans by highlighting problem areas as image aiding in singing diagnosis a process. Help with the issues of physicians burnout by collecting patient data via pp or text messaging chatbots now ask patients questions regarding the symptoms taking the guesswork of self-diagnosis and saving both the patient and provider time and money with integration working smarter enable solutions to a variety of issues for patients hospitals and healthcare industry. The fact that AI benefits us in numerous ways. AI revolutionizing the medical industry with a helping hand. in the different ways impacting health care.

Benefits of AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI-based clinical decision support systems (CDSS) minimize the time to identify high-risk patients and predict the possibility of diseases. This enables healthcare providers to take preventative actions at an earlier stage for disease management and improve patient outcomes.

Healthcare organizations by implementing cognitive technology to rewind a huge amount of medical records to perform any power diagnosis take for example nuances. nuances are the production service provider that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to present or to predict the intent of a particular user by implementing nuances in an organization’s workflow you can develop a personalized user experience that allows the company to make better decisions for better action.

The world is facing big health issues growing the number of patients and not enough doctors to treat them. So could artificial intelligence be the cure? Ai potentially revitalized health care in the future.

AI has the power to transform the ways patients are diagnosed and treated when we think it has become the game changer and to make the testing of new medical more efficient and effective if we can get devices that can be developed faster better and quicker than there are huge benefits.

Breast Cancer Detection

Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers for women. but deep learning models aiming to find early signs of the disease have been around for a good of years now. although we have not yet arrived at an all-encompassing  solution studies show that combining deep learning system s prediction with

Human pathologist diagnoses improve outcomes and alleviate at least some of the burdens on radiologists when they need to make life-altering decisions for their patients.

Skin Checking Apps

This application allows users to take pictures of their suspicious skin lesions upload pictures and get the images evaluated by an AI algorithm these algorithms work by comparing user images to vast databases, coming up with a preliminary diagnosis in just a few seconds while dermatologists are required for confirmed diagnoses these applications are highly accurate and can detect skin lesions that could have been missed by the traditional health care process.

Drug Discovery

Advanced algorithms could fundamentally alter the traditional process of designing drugs too, AI could make drug development much cheaper and more effective by shortening the drug production cycle and helping out the pharmaceutical industry in finding new drugs without building clinical trials and accumulating costs. According to some estimates, it takes twelve years and close to 3 billion dollars for one single experimental drug to advance from concept to market, recently an advanced machine learning program from alphabet Deepbets, DeepMInd has revealed 200 million proteins this could speed the search for new medicians. 200 million is the difference AI can make and examples like this are popping up everywhere in the healthcare landscape now. Profoundly changing the way we can bring new solutions to our maladies.


Seizure-detecting smart bracelets epilepsy is the fourth most common problem in us following migraine stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. but wearable devices like Empatica’s AL-fueled wristband are designed to notify users and caretakers about a developing seizure. clinical testing of Embrace yields a 98% accuracy rate for detecting generalized tonic-clonic seizures. the long-term plan of course is to able to predict seizures too.

Stroke Detection

The viz lvo app uses deep deep learning algorithms to automatically detect strokes on CT images and alert on-call stroke specialists about a potentially treatable patient. since stroke is one of the most time-sensitive conditions in all medicine, this system is a game changer by cutting down several hours for patients to receive the care they need. in a study containing the largest health AI dataset to date, Viz LVO achievers 96% sensitivity and 94% specifically. faster triage with this application enables the identification and treatment of more patients which improves patient outcomes and reduces the chances of long-term disability.


Health care developed a predictive algorithm called Sepsis prediction and Optimization of therapy. it can continuously monitor patient data in the hospital to identify potentially impending sepsis cases. the algorithm can detect sepsis six hours earlier than clinicians, enabling the healthcare system to cut sepsis mortality rates by nearly 30%. Deep learning AI can be used to help detect diseases faster, provide personalized treatment plans, and even automate certain processes such as drug discovery or diagnostics. It also holds promise for improving patient outcomes, increasing safety, and reducing costs associated with healthcare delivery. AI can offer healthcare and associated industries and how it could become the major health tech trend in the future.

As science and technology have no conclusion so as bell feme blog has no end because, with an everyday new product, no treatment has been introduced in the world. For example, hydra facial treatment replaces all the other products of skin. Artificial intelligence will capture the world.

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